Home February 23

Summer Flowering Bulbs

Ideal for patio containers & adds colour to mixed

borders without taking up much space

Seed Potatoes

Early, 2nd Early, Salad & Main Crop varieties in stock

There is nothing like growing your own

Plants of the Moment

Beautiful winter blooms bring a welcome splash of interest to your garden

Hamamelis, Lonicera fragrantissima, Viburnum tinus, Sarcococca, Jasminum nudiflorum & Hellebores

Bedding Plants

These will ensure your garden stays bright and

welcoming during Winter and heading into Spring


Even if you have limited outdoor space, you can still enjoy

gardening by growing and caring for indoor plants

Brighten up your home or give a gift that grows

Seed Sowing

The arrival of the new year brings with it the opportunity

 to sow seeds indoor for the year ahead. A little heat using

a propagator on a windowsill is ideal


Everything you need for propagation including recyclable pots,

potting on trays and heated propagators for those cold greenhouses

 Plant Protection

Protect your vulnerable garden plants from frost, snow and water damage

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